Thursday, October 27, 2005

Motorcycles Are Cool - 10/27/2005

I put my motorcycle back together with it's new tires, chain and sprockets on Saturday. I rode it around a little and it is like a new motorcycle, at least it feels that way.

The last body part will arrive sometime this week, at which point I make the motorcycle look as good as it was before, maybe even a little bit better..... Then I finished reading the ultimate hitchiker's guide.

Sunday I went to rocky brook falls, ate dinner in port townsend and went home to watch scary movie 3 again, it just never gets less funny.

I've officially decided that things used to be cooler when you could live on some land somewhere and just had to worry about living.

I've also officially decided that we should either require all voters to take a pop-quiz on the voter's pamphlet before allowing them to vote OR we should ban all people who watch TV from voting. The reality of this is that it doesn't even have to be true, just that if you payed for a TV ad telling people that they could not vote, most of them wouldn't vote because they saw it on TV.

Another alternative would be to ban campaigning all-together. All campaign signs, posters, TV or radio ads should be disallowed. They allow people to make un-informed decisions because they saw something about it once and decided to vote about it.

Meanwhile, I'm continuing my grassroots movement to decrease voter attendance. I've commissioned several people to convince two other people not to vote. If everyone convinces two people not to vote, then we will get rid of most of the voters. The logic is simple: You can barely run your own life, don't try to run everyone else's.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Clearing Things Up - 10/22/2005

OK, let's think about what happened last night and remember the real story.

The Maple Leaf: A trashy bar that consists of mostly older people. It's a quiet place with nice people and x rated pictures all over the bathroom walls. The floors are spongy and uneven in a funny sort of way. One end of the pool table comes up to just above my knee, the other, is up to your chest.

Lenny: Man at the maple leaf, one of those people that you like instantly because they are just so forward and pleasant. Not to mention that he plays a very graceful game of pool, he's not the best player I've ever seen, he just never makes terrible power shots that send balls flying everywhere.

Rainier beer: One pitcher for three people, combined with the graceful games of pool and other friendly people. This was a good idea. Went home, dropped off the car and went to another bar.

Amirato's airshow bar and grill: A fairly nice bar with no apparent floor problems at all. Airplane engines and parts are scattered all around, and most of the people there are pretty nice, but they aren't that good at pool.

Mack and Jack's: Two pitchers of Mack and Jacks between three people. Combined with bad pool players attempt to act good. This was also a bad idea. Our friend drove us home from the red apple (it's only two blocks).

My house: A place with yellow walls, wood floors and nice, comfortable leather couches; one of my most favorite places to be.

Old English HG 800: HG stands for High Gravity; interestingly enough, gravity feels like spinning, two forty ounce bottles of old English HG 800 for two people. There is only one purpose in this type of alcohol, unfortunately, nobody can be told what the purpose is, they have to experience it for themselves.

This is where everything went wrong.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Long Ride - 10/15/2005

My friend was up to visit from California for a couple days and he left today. So Nick and I decided to ride out to HWY 101 with him and see him off. It poured rain. It wasn't so bad for me because I have a foul weather suit, but Nick kind've got frostbite on his fingers. I loaned him my foul weather gloves long enough for us to stop by a place and get him some cheap ski gloves.

We stopped at the red apple in Shelton and some kids on bikes asked us to do wheelies when we left. I told them that only people who want to die to wheelies. They were loud and annoying children, the only thing more annoying than them at the time, was the fact that I know lots of dumb riders do wheelies for young kids because they ask them to (I get asked all the time) and the kids think it's the coolest thing, never realizing that the rider is probably going to end up dead on the freeway (and if not, they deserve to). My fellow riders dissapoint me in their stupidity, but this is nothing new. Either way, the red apple had no gloves, so we went to the Wal-mart and rode home through Union and Belfair.

The road through union is one of the best rides in the state. It was miles of marsh-lands, then miles of waterfront on the south end of hood canal. It was a beautiful ride home, very much out of our way though, considering it added about 20 minutes to our ride back.

It was a good way to spend most of my day. I came back and started doing some more repairs on my motorcycle. I replaced the starter cover and changed the oil (You have to change the oil when replacing the starter cover). No more nasty scratches from being backed over on the starter cover. Soon enough the bike will have no more damage from the incident. Just waiting on some backordered body parts to arrive. Once that was done, I came in and shared a beer with the cat.

Kitty Cow loves beer.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Trucks Are Cool - 10/14/2005

I am officially, at this point in time, $6.29 away from owning my truck.

I made a $1006 payment this month to pay off everything, and the bank still charged me the $6.29 finance charge for the month. I hate them. It would be fun to not pay them and let them reposess the truck just out of spite. But that would also be stupid..

I would like to take this chance to point out that when it is cold, trucks frequently switch from having an anti-lock braking system to having a super-lock braking system.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

One Easy Steps to Getting Rid of Hornets and Wasps - 10/13/2005

If you ever need to get rid of hornets, burn them out with a mix of gasoline and styrofoam, it's a poor man's napalm and it burns good and hot. Of course, don't do this in your house, I'm only talking about if it is outside in your yard somewhere.

The best part is that, because of the stickiness of the styrofoam and gasoline, the hornets can't get out and attack you before they are already sticky and on fire. If any are left outside, just burn them with a lighter when they get near you. A note: the fumes are still just as explosive as pure gasoline, stand clear when you drop the match and NEVER pour more on top until you are sure the fire is out.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Midnight Revelations - 10/12/2005

I hate when you have something really profound to say just before going to sleep, and forget all about it before you wake up.

Left only with the knowledge that you had a thought, and it was profound and that you really wanted to remember it.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Other People's Insurance - 10/10/2005

New parts for my motorcycle are now leaving San Diego. Soon it will be restored to it's former glory (not to mention a few extra aftermarket things I'll be getting thanks to the fact that I know how to replace the parts myself and saved $600.

I think I might consider having people run over my motorcycle more often, but I'll make sure it's at the end of the riding season next time.